The General Pharmacy Council (GPhC) exam is an evaluation of pharmacist graduates enabling them to become licensed pharmacists in the UK. Prior to the GPhC exam, to guarantee the quality in both the pre-registration training as well as the registration, every pre-registered pharmacist is required to complete 52 weeks of supervised and assessed training at their places of employment, this is usually a community or hospital pharmacy.

In the weeks leading up to the assessment, candidates should check their emails and post for updates from the GPhC. This will include a letter detailing the venue where they will take the assessment and the time registration will open. It is advisable that candidates become familiar with the route to the venue and account for unexpected delays. It may be easier to stay near the venue the night before the assessment.

The GPhC will also provide a detailed list of which items have been approved to take into the assessment room. Candidates must adhere to these instructions and should ensure they have their belongings in order the night before.

Below is one of our lectures for Hospital pre-regs. It goes through how to get started and what to concentrate on...

During the pre-registration year, the pharmacy student may be offered a "Cross-sectional placement". It is highly recommended that the candidate take up this offer as it allows for one month's training in either community or hospital pharmacy.

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 July 2022, 9:52 PM