We will send mock GPhC exam questions to your home... |
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Here at PharmacyCPA, we want to provide you with an experience as close the real GPhC exam as possible. Our new "Posted Mock Exam Papers" service offers an experience as close to the exam as possible, with completely new mock GPhC exams sent to you by mail.
By clicking on the below options and then paying via Paypal you can have two (open and closed) full-length mock GPhC Exams sent to your door within 72 hours. The questions in the exams are completely original and we guarantee you have not seen them before. Each paper comprises of 90 questions as opposed to the half-length exams the GPhC releases.When you receive the package inside you will find the following:
- Instructions - the mock exam must be performed under exam conditions. This details out the conditions required and also the timing involved for each (this will be exactly the same as the real exam).
- Open and Closed Books exams - both are full length.
- Stamped addressed envelope - once you have completed the exams all you have to do is put it into the enclosed stamped addressed envelope and pop it in the post. We guarantee to mark it within 2-3 days of its arrival and send it back to you within the week.
For one GPhC exam, plus marking it is £49.99.
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