GPhC Exam Private Tuition

Our private tuition service comprises a specialized team of pharmacist tutors based in London. All classes booked below are conducted via zoom online, alternatively, we can arrange for physical callouts (just contact us). Our tutors bring their own resources independent of PCPA so the information you receive will not overlap with courses provided on the PCPA network. Depending on your needs, private tuition can include:

  • Initial assessment to judge your competence.
  • 1 day a week intensive 1-to-1 tuition.
  • 1 day a week with our associated training company and their training groups.
  • Actual practice GPhC exams set under exam conditions.
  • Provision of textbooks to suit your individual needs.
  • Full access to GPhC resources and the Pharmacy CPA network.
We try to keep the cost of our courses extremely competitive, however, they vary depending on your assessment and how long you have until the exam. To book an appointment select the slot you would like below.

Shiva Ganjian | Specialist Paediatric Pharmacist at King's College Hospital

GPhC online tutor

I am a specialist paediatric pharmacist with over 5 years of experience working in central London hospitals. I have specialised in paediatrics for the past 3 years with a focus on paediatric intensive care, neonatal intensive care and paediatric liver transplants. I also have extensive experience in Women's Health, Anticoagulation and Surgery. I have been a pre-reg tutor for the past 4 years and offered in-person and pre-reg tutoring sessions that have had a 100% pass rate. I also offer interview skills tuition to help those interested in obtaining posts in central London hospitals. 

£50ph - just select a time slot below.

Best Online GPhC tutor service Online Pharmacist tutor uk

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 January 2023, 6:45 PM